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How do I brew Rasa?Updated 2 years ago

Rasa's secret sauce to brewing is either time or pressure--this allows the full extraction of the potent herbs in our blends!

Brew your Rasa in a:

  • French press (10-15 mins)
  • Espresso machine
  • Aeropress
  • Keurig (with reusable K-cups)
  • Moka pot
  • Percolator
  • Rasa brew bottle
  • Tea infuser or disposable tea bag (Just be sure to cover the mug while it brews so the water stays as hot as possible!)

Don’t have any of those? You can go old school and add Rasa to a heat-proof jar (like a mason jar), add your water, steep, and strain using a strainer of any sort. Easy peasy.

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